811 W. John Street, Yorkville, IL 60560
For 24/7 Mental or Public Health Emergencies, call 630-553-9100
Mon 8:30am - 4:30pm  •  Tue - Thu 8:30am - 7:00pm  •  Fri 8:30am - 4:30pm

Opioids and Naloxone

What is an opioid?

An opioid is a type of drug that acts on the nervous system to relieve pain. They are derived from the opium poppy plant or synthetically manufactured to mimic is effects. It includes both prescription medications like oxycodone and fentanyl, as well as illegal drugs like heroin.  Opioids can be highly addictive and also carry a high risk of over dose and other serious health consequences.

Prescription Opioids



Prescription opioids can be prescribed by doctors to treat moderate to severe pain but can also have serious risks and side effects.

Common types are oxycodone (OxyContin), hydrocodone (Vicodin), morphine, and methadone.

Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid pain reliever. It is many times more powerful than other opioids and is approved for treating severe pain, typically advanced cancer pain. Illegally made and distributed fentanyl has been on the rise in several states.

Heroin is an illegal opioid. 25 people died every day from a heroin overdose in the United States in 2021.


Signs of an overdose

Recognizing an opioid overdose can be difficult. If you aren’t sure, it is best to treat the situation like an overdose— you could save a life. Call 911 or seek medical care for the individual. Do not leave the person alone. Signs of an overdose may include:

  • Small, constricted “pinpoint pupils”
  • Falling asleep or loss of consciousness
  • Slow, shallow breathing
  • Choking or gurgling sounds
  • Limp body
  • Pale, blue, or cold skin


Naloxone Prepackaged Nasal Spray (generic naloxone, Narcan®, Kloxxado®)

Naloxone is a saves lives because it can quickly restore normal breathing to a person whose breathing
has slowed or stopped as a result of overdosing on prescription opioid medications, heroin, or drugs that are
adulterated and contaminated with an opioid like fentanyl (e.g., cocaine, methamphetamine).

A video on how to administer naloxone is available here: Naloxone Video

Kendall County Health Department has Naloxone available at no cost with no questions asked. A purple vending box holds Naloxone in the vestibule of our building.

A Purple Naloxone Vending Box in the Kendall County Health Department Vestibule

Naloxone Kits are available - please call 630-553-9100 for more information.


Do You Have a Problem with Heroin, Opioids, or Prescription Medications?
We Can Help!
Please call us at 630-553-9100 and let us assist you with accessing treatment.

Kendall County Health Department offers outpatient substance abuse services.

Illinois Helpline

Serving the Residents of Kendall County Since 1966
811 W. John Street, Yorkville, IL 60560   •   630-553-9100