Dear Students,
In case you had not seen (or seriously considered) a list of things you can do at home that you might not usually do, here is a list my wife and I have written, for your (and our) consideration 🙂 (in addition to your academic pursuits!). Live your life to the full (which truly does not depend on where one can go or what amazing things one can try to get likes for on social media).
- clean a toilet or an entire bathroom
- write a letter to an elderly or lonely family member
- listen to a sibling talk about what they appreciate about one of their friends
- make a home video (or a series)
- scrub the kitchen counter
- vacuum the house
- stretch
- exercise (simple body weight exercises works well)
- deep clean your room
- sort through your clothing for any you could give to others
- work in the yard
- look after younger siblings with kindness, sacrificing of your time and desires
- read a book
- meditate
- go for a walk
- take a nap
- cook a meal for others (even an elderly or lonely neighbor; but make sure you are not providing them contaminated food or containers)
- think of something to be grateful for
- start a journal
- practice/ learn a language other than your first
- write a poem or song
- write a short story
- practice/ learn an instrument
- play a board game via video chat
- ask forgiveness for a past hurt you caused (in person is best if you can do so without leaving your home, phone or video or letter is next best, text message is least desirable option)
- forgive someone for a past hurt you felt (communicating this is not necessary, but can be healing for all involved)
- ask someone older than you to tell you a story they cherish, from when they were younger (providing them time or specific context or asking a specific question might help elicit the story)
I wish you and your family peace and joy, in this challenging time.