Fifth's Disease
Signs and Symptoms
A contagious rash like illness among children with the appearance of a “slapped cheek”. The reddening of the skin fades and reoccurs as a rash. Sunlight, heat and nerves exaggerate the rash. It begins on the cheeks and spreads to upper arms and legs, trunk, hands and feet. A low-grade fever, headache and gastrointestinal symptoms (stomach discomfort, nausea and or vomiting) may accompany the rash. The progression of the disease usually takes 5 to 7 days, but occasionally the rash may reoccur over several weeks.
Incubation Period
4 to 20 days
Mode of Transmission
Fifth’s disease is thought to be transmitted primarily through contact with infected respiratory secretions. .
Period of Communicability
The progression of the disease usually takes 5 to 7 days, but occasionally the rash may reoccur over several weeks.
Implications for School
Any student presenting these signs and symptoms will be excluded from school. Report to Student Health Services,#____________________. Although no strict criteria for exclusion from school can be established, it is recommended that students stay at home during the period when fever and tiredness are present and until the initial